Todays been a rough day. Tuesdays are typically this way at work. I work as a Financial Care Rep for T-Mobile and people generally on Tuesdays complain more than usual, nag more than usual, and just plain meaner. I mean come on... pay the bill and you get to use your phone!!! It's quite simple!!! I never understood why people expect something for nothing. You'd be floored at some of the people I speak to each day. Havent made a payment in 4 months but are out of control when we shut their phone off.
On my way home, the Christian Radio guy started talking about how we as "Christians" make so many things so much more complicated, and I couldnt help but start thinking about how difficult I make my own life. If I had to look into each circumstance I either found myself in, or currently am in, I can track probably 9 of 10 back to my own desicions.
Here's what I do...
I look at a situation, analyze the possible outcomes, and run with the most logical option. Sometimes the most logical option will lead me down a path that has never been traveled before, where other times, it leads me down the most commonly traveled. Both paths have led me to some strange places, and even successful places. Problem is, I find myself wasting the success' and trudging through the failures. It's as if I am looking to turn around each failure and make it into an opportunity. Problem is, I am like the captain of a ship... going down with it, and drowning a miserable death!
So why do I over complicate things? Here is the simple answer... it's because of me. Did you read my process of how to make decisions? It was all about logic and good feelings. It had nothing to do with relying on God, or trusting in his divine favor in my life. Rather, I always made decisions based on how it made the most sense to me and those I found counsel in.
Psalms 55:22 (NLT)
Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
I love that last part... "He will not permit the godly to slip and fall". Bro Kelly Ventura once asked a group "What would you do for God if you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt you would succeed?" To be honest with you, I have been rolling that questions through my mind since the question was asked of me about a month ago. What would I do? In like fashion I can apply that to the decisions I make as per the scripture in Psalms I alluded to earlier, God will not allow me to fail if I trust in him!!!
So what will I do, knowing full well God has my back? Trust in him.
"God help me change my thoughts to your thoughts. Help me change my actions to your actions. Lord help me make decisions based on your wisdom. Your word says that through the renewing of my mind will you transform me. So today Lord, renew me, transform me, and make me the person you'd have me to be."
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