Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Moving Forward

I know I know... It's been way long since posting my last post, but life has been super wierd as of late. Since my last post we moved, have an additional kid, and I have taken 3 classes at Colorado Christian University. All 3 of which I passed with flying colors. So dont give me nay guff!!! Other things have also happened, some not so great, but I wont dwell on craziness of such ridiculousness.

So where was I... Oh yeah... Moving Forward.

I am amazed by the amount of people in my life who refuse to move forward! It could be a system they have been in, or a type of lifestyle they have accepted. A lot of people decide that just because it's been done that wat for centuries upon centuries, or even the last 10 years it is supposed to be that way, and theres no escaping it. I for one, refuse to accept that notion.

Sure, innovation often leads to utter failure. Whatever it is that you innovated can many times leave you looking like you really had no clue at all, but without innovation you are sure to lose your ability to relate to the modern day world.

Lets look at how the communication realm has changed over the last 80 years.

So really??? Do you? You think the way we communicate today is just going to be this was for a few years then go back to hand written letters, and snail mail??? Of course your dont. Youre way to smart to think that... right???

This is innovation at its finest!!! Problem is in the religious circle I find myself in, they have NO IDEA how to integrate effective, relevant, modern day communication into their lives. They went from radio straight to internet thinking, and still thinking, television was sinful and caused too much sin in peoples lives.

HELLO!!! Seen the internet lately???

Here is what has really happened. Radio was great!!! Did a good job of delivering an effective message. Then TV was shunned as a way to promote sin, thus made diabolical and removed from the home. Then internet came along and people went crazy. Why did they go crazy? Because they had no learned temperance and self control by allowing television into their homes. So when the interwebs came about, there they were, up late in their sanctified offices Googling "XXX", and "Porn", hoping to satisfy their new found uncontrollable urge.

What woulda happened if we coulda just Moved Forward? No wonder record amounts of ministers are falling to the temptation of internet porn. They never learned how to Move Forward without Moving towards sin.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Steel and Rope


I tell ya, over these last 4 weeks, I have encountered more demons than I care to talk about. It seems like every area of my life is being tested. My finances, my friendships, my relationship with God, and even my relationship with Rebecca.

But here is the good news. Its as if these last 4 weeks have caused my Relationship with Rebecca to become even stronger. I find myself thinking of her more, and me less. I have noticed more about her needs and forgotten about my own. I feel like the pressure that has been evident in our lives, have pressed us together. It has made us one even more than the past.

Steel is produced by intertwining iron and typically carbon. Steel can, and is made using other alloying elements like tungsten, and chromium, but carbon is the most prominent. Carbon is basically melded together with the iron to stop the molecular structure of the iron from shifting, thus making it extremely hard.

I feel as if Rebecca and I have also gone through this melding process as of recent. My relationship with her feels even stronger. The things we go through have melded us together and as we encounter problems and trials, there isnt any shifting. In essence, we are solid.

The Bible speaks of a 3 stranded cord and how its strength is unmatched. This is easily related to marriage. But most people find themself grasping at straws when it comes to the 3rd strand. Obviously, the first 2 are the husband and wife. But many people make the third strand money or success, imagining the security it holds to be of great value. Others make the 3rd strand excitement, hoping that a marriage that never gets boring will never get old. Countless people replace the 3rd strand with children. This is in hopes a child will fill the hole thier partner has failed to fill on thier own.

The true 3rd strand is only fulfilled through a relationship with Christ. He is the only one who can create true oneness with you and your spouse. Without this third strand your marriage and relationship will have permanent God shaped hole, which nothing else but him can fit.

The only reason I feel Rebecca and I have been able to draw closer is due to the fact, Jesus is our third strand and the one leading us through the melding process.

She's my one and only.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Let the Learning Begin!!!


Today I was privileged to sit and listen to someone I have kind of adopted as a spiritual father, during our midweek service. His lesson on Generational Curses really opened my mind. One of the themes of the entire lesson was "Unless you can come to an understanding that what matters is who you are, not what you are, you will never find your way out of the curses in your life."

So what am I??? Although it doesn't matter as much as who I am, I am arrogant, egotistical, a dreamer, a procrastinator (I'll touch more on that some other time), overweight, a little immature, and not all that great with money. These are the whats in my life. These are what I would be defined as if I couldnt define the who...

Who am I? I am a Child of the Most High King... Yeah... Thats it! To many that doesnt seem all that grandiose, but to me, it means everything. It means I am free of the sins of my fathers. It means I am able to live a life free from condemnation from the "What's" in my life. It means I am able to move forward in a Kingdom I dont belong in. I have been ordained as a child of God.

There is nothing I can do to change that. I am a child of the King, even when I fail. Even when I make mistakes. Even when I lose sight of His amazing Grace. I am still a child of the king. I think so many times I lose sight of even that. But thats because the Love of God is so incomprehensible. It makes no sense. Until you become a father yourself.

My son is 2, and we have another on the way. Mikey got a head start on the "terrible 2's" about 3 months ago. He has begun to fight sleep, throw things, give me dirty looks, make scenes at store and other public places, and begun to be all out disrespectful to Rebecca and me both. Sometimes, I see him, and want beat the snot out of him!!! I mean who does he think he is??? Doesnt he realize it is me who clothes him, feeds, him, changes his diaper, buys more and more, and more diapers, and watches out for his well being as my wife looks at him in similar manners as me??? But come 5:20ish PM, I get home from work, and there he is. Typically playing in the middle of the floor in front of the fireplace. He looks up and smiles so brightly almost as if he knows I have been waiting for that moment since 5:20ish PM the previous day.

Why cant we understand God sees us in the same eyes, but even more compassionately. Why cant we realize that no matter how many mistakes we make, no matter how far we run from God, and no matter how often we sin, God is still ready for us to look up at him at 5:20ish and call on him. No matter what else happened that day, week, month, or lifetime, he's there to scoop us up, take us in his arms, and reaffirm he loves us.

I learned so much today.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009



Todays been a rough day. Tuesdays are typically this way at work. I work as a Financial Care Rep for T-Mobile and people generally on Tuesdays complain more than usual, nag more than usual, and just plain meaner. I mean come on... pay the bill and you get to use your phone!!! It's quite simple!!! I never understood why people expect something for nothing. You'd be floored at some of the people I speak to each day. Havent made a payment in 4 months but are out of control when we shut their phone off.

On my way home, the Christian Radio guy started talking about how we as "Christians" make so many things so much more complicated, and I couldnt help but start thinking about how difficult I make my own life. If I had to look into each circumstance I either found myself in, or currently am in, I can track probably 9 of 10 back to my own desicions.

Here's what I do...

I look at a situation, analyze the possible outcomes, and run with the most logical option. Sometimes the most logical option will lead me down a path that has never been traveled before, where other times, it leads me down the most commonly traveled. Both paths have led me to some strange places, and even successful places. Problem is, I find myself wasting the success' and trudging through the failures. It's as if I am looking to turn around each failure and make it into an opportunity. Problem is, I am like the captain of a ship... going down with it, and drowning a miserable death!

So why do I over complicate things? Here is the simple answer... it's because of me. Did you read my process of how to make decisions? It was all about logic and good feelings. It had nothing to do with relying on God, or trusting in his divine favor in my life. Rather, I always made decisions based on how it made the most sense to me and those I found counsel in.

Psalms 55:22 (NLT)
Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
I love that last part... "He will not permit the godly to slip and fall". Bro Kelly Ventura once asked a group "What would you do for God if you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt you would succeed?" To be honest with you, I have been rolling that questions through my mind since the question was asked of me about a month ago. What would I do? In like fashion I can apply that to the decisions I make as per the scripture in Psalms I alluded to earlier, God will not allow me to fail if I trust in him!!!

So what will I do, knowing full well God has my back? Trust in him.

"God help me change my thoughts to your thoughts. Help me change my actions to your actions. Lord help me make decisions based on your wisdom. Your word says that through the renewing of my mind will you transform me. So today Lord, renew me, transform me, and make me the person you'd have me to be."

What I am currently reading

I was telling some dear friends of mine just the other day how it is tough for me to read more than one book at a time. I start getting the characters mixed up, story lines crossed, and themes are turned around. So I decided something tonight, Im going to read 3 books at a time, but they will all be different genres so even I can keep up with it all!

Obviously, the Bible will be one of the 4. But not just the KJV, Rather, I will be reading from the New American Standard. The NASB will be for daily reading and devotions, while I will continue to make my elders and the pioneers happy by studying the KJV to ensure continuity as I preach and teach.

Fasting by Janzten. I already started this book some time ago, and as fasting often as well goes, I stopped in the middle. I loved the book, and even would take it to work with me to readh between assignments, but for some weird reason I put it down. But not to worry, to ensure an effective read, I will start over from the begining.

7 Practices of Effective Ministry from North Point Resources. I was recommended this book by Pastor Salomon. I love the subtext "Rethink Your Ministry". This is the type of stuff I live for. Redeveloping the wheel. Taking a metho and beating the snot out of it, until you have exhausted every possible option, then taking one more stab at it! We will call it an obsesion at times, but I am infatuated with making things run smoother, more efficient, and with as little supervision as possible. I'm really looking forward to this book!!!

Black byTed Dekker I am about 7 chapters in. From what I can tell it's a Christian Fantasy meets real world time frame. It's actually set in Denver, which is strange as when the author begins to write about specific streets and landmarks, I can actually get this really good mental image, as I've actually seen that mall, or street! Its actually really good. An easy read, as long as you pay attention... time travel is deffinatly a God thing!!!

What are you reading???

Monday, August 17, 2009

So begins the Transition


I find it quite unusual how quickly God reminds me of how useless I am without him. I've tried my hardest to do it without him, but obviously, fail, fall, stumble, slide, and all out mess up time and time again.

I have a feeling you might have felt the same way at some point. I have a feeling I am not all alone on this one. So to you, and to me, I dedicate this blog.

"The Transition" will be a journal of my journey during the transition of several pivotal areas in my life.
  • The Mind - I start back to school to finally finish my BA in Organizational Management with an emphasis in Christian Leadership this next week. "The Mind" segments will consist of my quest to expand my intellectual self and what changes I find my self making along the way.
  • The Body - When I got married I was 150 pounds... today... not so much!!! About 65 pounds later I am completely tired of looking like a blob. My Dad died of Lung Disease, at 51, but only after suffering from heart disease, liver disease, back and hip problems, a a general lack of healthy habits. I will be the VERY FIRST to admit I am a novice when it comes to effective exercise, good eating, and all around healthy habits (I'm just a chip of the ol' block now aren't I???), but I plan on exploiting the resources I have and making this one a lasting change in my life!!!
  • The Soul - I'll be honest, I am no where close to where I need to be spiritually. I constantly feel inadequate for the job God has called me to do. My prayer life is decent, but not strong. My study time is mediocre but far from effective. My overall spiritual health is somewhere right above average, and that will change today. You'll find in the segment prayers I have written, things I have studied, and even sermon notes I have compiled. But most of all it will be a sounding board for me as I travel deeper into God.
  • The Checkbook - So, wanna know how to find yourself in debt, not make enough money to cover everything and live paycheck to paycheck??? Come pull up a chair and listen for a bit cuz I am a PRO!!! But no more. No more impulsive spending, unnecessary waste, or general lack of faith that God will take care of my financial needs. You might soon find a post about my spending on junk food... sounds like that might encapsulate more than 1 area here!!!
  • The Relationship - My family deserve a better me. Through problems, arguments, and victories, here is the story of how my family does life, and what it teaches me everyday!
  • The Vocation - God has called me to Pastor. Right now, I work a full time job for a national cellular phone service provider. I feel so out of place. Everyday I see people who are hurting and find it hard to know it is out of place, and against the law to begin a service around my desk. More than anything you will here about the people I work with and how God is working on them here. And hopefully how he is using me do help out!
So here we go!!! Feel free to comment, evaluate, ridicule, poke fun, encourage, or even give me a piece of your mind. I'm ready for a "Transition"!
