Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Things I’m Tired of!


Over the last few weeks and months I've come to a pretty startling revelation… I'm tired! I mean c'mon! I'm only 29! Should I really be this tired? Should I feel the weight of work, family, and church so heavily that I am physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually wore out??? Probably not, so here are the things I'm tired of dealing with.

  1. Bills – Why is it that every day I go to the mailbox, theres another one there? Don't these people know that a) I don't want their bill and b) I don't have any money?
  2. Being overweight – Sure it took me some time to start looking this good, but the sight of my toes is slowly starting to diminish.
  3. Not being sold out – I want to do GREAT things for God. I want to be listed as one of God men of faith and action. I want to have an assurance that God is doing great things through me. I sincerely want all these things. So why don't I really feel that I am there yet?
  4. School – I love to learn, but this school stuff is for the birds. Can't I just get a "buy your degree online" degree and call it quits?
  5. Work – My job is pretty cool, but I find it hard to do some of the things I really like to do because of it, like writing. Cant it just go away, yet still send me a check every 2 weeks?

The basic answer to all of these questions, whether I like it or not, is no, or don't be stupid!

Is it time for a radical change in my life? Is it time for a change that will impact me and my family in such a drastic way, I will look back on this day for years to come as the day it all changed? The basic answer to this question is yes!

Are you in need of some change yourself? Need some time to really make a difference in your life. Why not try this. Write down all the things that need some change and change them. We can do it together. We could be accountable to each other. Let's get it done and make an impact on our eternity.