I get it. I completely understand. There is a specific sin that has troubled you. An issue in your life that has repeatedly reared its ugly head, and caused you to stumble. Maybe it's a number of these issues, maybe it's just one. Guilt has set in and now you are crippled with remorse, sadness, and regret.
Here's what you need to know: You are forgiven. How do I know, because Christ has made it so. 1 Peter 1:18-19 is poignant in this fact. The blood from a sinless Lamb was given to cover you. But just so you are aware, the Blood is not for you.
The righteousness of God is what demands that we be right in order to stand before God. Being we cannot be "right" on our own, Christ died in order to shed his blood, so it could be applied to you and I upon our conversion. Now that we are covered in the sinless blood of Christ, we are put into "right"ness, allowing God to commune with us. You see the Blood is not for us, rather it is to satisfy God.
But because of our repeated sin, we feel that the blood is of little value in comparison to the sins we commit, so we guilt our way into feeling as though the Blood of Christ is not valuable enough to be used in the redemption process of our souls. However, we, on this side of Glory, are unable to place a true value on the Blood of Christ. If the Blood of Christ is for God first, then we must accept the value that God places on it. It is a matter of faith in the Word of God. The reason the blood is of utmost value is simple because God says it is of utmost value. Case Closed.
If God says that Blood is valuable enough to cover our sins in order to stand in righteousness along side him, the the Blood is that valuable. If God says the Blood is valuable enough to be the redemption of mankind, then the Blood is that valuable. By holding onto guilt, you are in essence devaluing the blood based on feelings. Instead, look to God knowing that he as put you in right standing through the Blood of Christ.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Jesus is not First
Often I hear people talk about how they but God first. They put him first in:
- Giving
- Prayer
- Finances
- Effort
- Blah
- Blah
The problem is, Christ becomes like a task on a to do list. As soon as you "check" him off, it allows you to move on to the next item on your list. Jesus becomes a check box in your daily routine. "Well I prayed first thing this morning... now I can move on from Jesus to the rest of my day."
Instead of putting Christ first, we should put him right in the middle. It should look something like this...
This puts Christ right in the center of everything we do. When we make a "To-Do" for work, we look at it through the eyes of Christ.
Paul puts it very clearly in Galatians 2:20 "no longer me, but Christ!" This is really the premise when we make the decision to put God right in the middle of everything. It becomes what is normal to be a Christian. Putting God first is awesome, putting God right in the middle, putting him in my heart, is what is the normal.
By taking away the "me" in lifes situations, it allows Christ to reign, and what better of a place to reign than right in the middle of everything. Not just in my decisions, not just in my daily doings, not just in my relationships, rather in the middle of everything. This puts Jesus in the middle.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The 5 Concentric Cirlces
A few months ago my world was rocked by an amazing Professor. Bill Temple has since become a guide and mentor for me. His enormous amounts of world evangelism and travel has given him the well rounded view of a righteous walk with God. Not liberal, but not a fundamentalist.
After one of our classes we were witting around chatting about doctrinal concepts, when we began to talk about the "Essentials". What were in fact the essentials to salvation. Bill took that as a cue to pick up a marker and walk over to the dry erase board.
He drew 5 concentric circles. He labeled them from inner to outer 1. Essentials 2. Orthodoxy 3. Important 4. Unimportant 5. Speculative.
He asked by friend and I to rattle off a few Christian doctrines and to place them in their appropriate circle. For the most part we agreed, but there other we couldn't agree on. I felt that tithing was Orthodox, while my buddy felt it was important. We began to discuss the doctrine of tithing and where it should go in the chart. All the while, Bill looked on. He knew he had us right where he wanted us.
"You 2 are acting like the rest of the church! Take a look at the circles again. Notice that 95% of items you placed, you agreed on. But that pesky 5% has you all hung up over each other. Why not glory in the fact that you have a 95% agreement, instead of bickering over the other 5%?"
Why? Why do you ask? Because thats the way our forefathers did it! They argued and bickered and backbit and got all hot under the collar over the 5% and so am I!
How ridiculous does that sound? Bill was ultimately right. Jordan and I had our essentials listed exactly alike. We had all but one listed alike in the Orthodox category. Why was that 5 % so important? Well... it really isn't. Essentially what is important is that we maintain personal convictions over these matters, and that we leave them as such... PERSONAL CONVICTIONS!
I encourage you to do the same. Break out the dry erase board and draw your circles. Put your thoughts down into those categories. Not because your Pastor said that's where it belongs, but because you yourself have been convinced by the Word of God and the workings of the Holy Ghost.
After one of our classes we were witting around chatting about doctrinal concepts, when we began to talk about the "Essentials". What were in fact the essentials to salvation. Bill took that as a cue to pick up a marker and walk over to the dry erase board.
He drew 5 concentric circles. He labeled them from inner to outer 1. Essentials 2. Orthodoxy 3. Important 4. Unimportant 5. Speculative.
He asked by friend and I to rattle off a few Christian doctrines and to place them in their appropriate circle. For the most part we agreed, but there other we couldn't agree on. I felt that tithing was Orthodox, while my buddy felt it was important. We began to discuss the doctrine of tithing and where it should go in the chart. All the while, Bill looked on. He knew he had us right where he wanted us.
"You 2 are acting like the rest of the church! Take a look at the circles again. Notice that 95% of items you placed, you agreed on. But that pesky 5% has you all hung up over each other. Why not glory in the fact that you have a 95% agreement, instead of bickering over the other 5%?"
Why? Why do you ask? Because thats the way our forefathers did it! They argued and bickered and backbit and got all hot under the collar over the 5% and so am I!
How ridiculous does that sound? Bill was ultimately right. Jordan and I had our essentials listed exactly alike. We had all but one listed alike in the Orthodox category. Why was that 5 % so important? Well... it really isn't. Essentially what is important is that we maintain personal convictions over these matters, and that we leave them as such... PERSONAL CONVICTIONS!
I encourage you to do the same. Break out the dry erase board and draw your circles. Put your thoughts down into those categories. Not because your Pastor said that's where it belongs, but because you yourself have been convinced by the Word of God and the workings of the Holy Ghost.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Some say Pentecostalism is full of emotionalism. They contend that dancing before the Lord, exuberant worship, leaping, and just plain "gettin wit it" is all based on emotion, and not the leading of the Holy Spirit. To be quite honest, I would say they are mostly right.
Let me build a bit of a foundation.
A story is told of a wife coming down the stairs with her suitcase in hand. Her husband of almost 30 years is sitting in his Lazy-Boy watching the game. "I'm leaving you Bruce!" Bruce barely turns his head towards her. "Why's that Linda?" "Because you never tell me you love me any more!" Bruce straightened his chair to the upright position, looked toward Linda and said, "30 years ago, at our wedding, I looked at you and told you I loved you! If I had changed my mind, I'm sure I woulda let you know!"
So let me ask you; how would your wife act if you stopped telling her I love you? How would she act if the passion was dimmed, and the emotions ran dry? According to psychologists' women need to be touched 20 times a day. How would your lovely wife react if you never touched her? How would your bride respond if you decided to leave the emotions at the proverbial door?
We, as the church are also, the Bride of Christ. He surely has proven his love for us daily through the death of Christ. Daily, he allows us new breath and new opportunities. If he didn't do any of these things, I would say he deserves no reward of emotion. However, he did! He deserves us to love on him.
Do you think it was the Spirit of God possessing King David when he danced? Do you think it was the Holy Spirit taking control of him? I see no proof of that. Rather he proved himself to be exuberant in spite of his internal struggles. He understood that if you do the deed, the feelings will follow.
Luke 6:26 does not implore us to Leap because of joy, rather to leap in order to receive joy. Do the deed and the feeling will follow.
Does the Bible ask us to dance for joy, no. However, it seems to me David gave us a strong example, and when you couple that with Luke 6, we can now build upon it.
You may call me an emotionalist, and to that I say... Yep! I am so terribly emotional about what God has done, and is doing in and through me, that I can't help but leap, dance, and run. You may call me an emotionalist, but that's ok with me.
Let me build a bit of a foundation.
A story is told of a wife coming down the stairs with her suitcase in hand. Her husband of almost 30 years is sitting in his Lazy-Boy watching the game. "I'm leaving you Bruce!" Bruce barely turns his head towards her. "Why's that Linda?" "Because you never tell me you love me any more!" Bruce straightened his chair to the upright position, looked toward Linda and said, "30 years ago, at our wedding, I looked at you and told you I loved you! If I had changed my mind, I'm sure I woulda let you know!"
So let me ask you; how would your wife act if you stopped telling her I love you? How would she act if the passion was dimmed, and the emotions ran dry? According to psychologists' women need to be touched 20 times a day. How would your lovely wife react if you never touched her? How would your bride respond if you decided to leave the emotions at the proverbial door?
We, as the church are also, the Bride of Christ. He surely has proven his love for us daily through the death of Christ. Daily, he allows us new breath and new opportunities. If he didn't do any of these things, I would say he deserves no reward of emotion. However, he did! He deserves us to love on him.
Do you think it was the Spirit of God possessing King David when he danced? Do you think it was the Holy Spirit taking control of him? I see no proof of that. Rather he proved himself to be exuberant in spite of his internal struggles. He understood that if you do the deed, the feelings will follow.
Luke 6:26 does not implore us to Leap because of joy, rather to leap in order to receive joy. Do the deed and the feeling will follow.
Does the Bible ask us to dance for joy, no. However, it seems to me David gave us a strong example, and when you couple that with Luke 6, we can now build upon it.
You may call me an emotionalist, and to that I say... Yep! I am so terribly emotional about what God has done, and is doing in and through me, that I can't help but leap, dance, and run. You may call me an emotionalist, but that's ok with me.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
What do you do, when you dont know what to do?
I lost my job in December for reasons unknown to me. It was 2 weeks before Christmas, and although it was rough to see my kids only get a few things under the tree (which we didn't have), there was an unusual peace about it. Thankfully, I qualified for unemployment, had some other little money coming in to ensure the bills were paid, and even decided on 12/31 at noon to drive to OKC to see my in-laws. An unusual peace.
One of the reasons for this peace was I had applied for a position, I knew I was PERFECT for, and I had a few insiders helping me along with the process. The position would have been amazing. It was with a local university, which after a year they would pay for my Masters degree. Good pay, good benefits, good environment. It was the perfect job for me.
I found out 2 days ago, after 3 separate interviews, I didn't get the job. And they wouldn't tell me why. They gave me a canned answer of "All I can tell you is, the position posted was very competitive." However, they reposted the position yesterday, telling me no one else has been offered the position as of yet.
Honestly, I was stunned unto numbness. I thought I had this one in the bag. I had inside help, the process went smooth, the interviews went great. The environment was Christian, the people have similar values, the school is solid in Christian standards, but it didn't happen.
So, I had to ask myself, what do you do, when you dont know what to do?
I may say that it is impossible, but God says All things are possible! Luke 18:27
I may say I want to forget it all, but God says His grace is sufficient! 2 Cor 12:9
I often can't figure things out, but God will direct my steps! Proverbs 3:5-6
No matter how hard I try, I just can't do it, but God can do ALL things! Phillipians 4:13
With a family I am worried about tomorrow, but God asks for all my baggage and cares! 1 Peter 5:7
With all the stress I can't manage it all, but God says all my needs will be supplied! Phillipians 4:19
I was perfect for this job. But God has something else in store. I dont know what it is, to be honest, but I have already seen God supply, order, and direct. I think you might be wise to trust in him for your situation as well. He CAN and WILL do it!
One of the reasons for this peace was I had applied for a position, I knew I was PERFECT for, and I had a few insiders helping me along with the process. The position would have been amazing. It was with a local university, which after a year they would pay for my Masters degree. Good pay, good benefits, good environment. It was the perfect job for me.
I found out 2 days ago, after 3 separate interviews, I didn't get the job. And they wouldn't tell me why. They gave me a canned answer of "All I can tell you is, the position posted was very competitive." However, they reposted the position yesterday, telling me no one else has been offered the position as of yet.
Honestly, I was stunned unto numbness. I thought I had this one in the bag. I had inside help, the process went smooth, the interviews went great. The environment was Christian, the people have similar values, the school is solid in Christian standards, but it didn't happen.
So, I had to ask myself, what do you do, when you dont know what to do?
I may say that it is impossible, but God says All things are possible! Luke 18:27
I may say I want to forget it all, but God says His grace is sufficient! 2 Cor 12:9
I often can't figure things out, but God will direct my steps! Proverbs 3:5-6
No matter how hard I try, I just can't do it, but God can do ALL things! Phillipians 4:13
With a family I am worried about tomorrow, but God asks for all my baggage and cares! 1 Peter 5:7
With all the stress I can't manage it all, but God says all my needs will be supplied! Phillipians 4:19
I was perfect for this job. But God has something else in store. I dont know what it is, to be honest, but I have already seen God supply, order, and direct. I think you might be wise to trust in him for your situation as well. He CAN and WILL do it!
Friday, January 20, 2012
A broken home?
I prefer to say, that you came from a home that was built differently. Why take on such a negative connotation? I was speaking with a mentor and Pastor a few days ago about this subject. He mentioned he works with a number of young men at church who come from "broken homes". And now the majority of them, who are 25-28, are unwilling to fully commit to marriage. Anytime their family or girlfriend mentions getting hitched, they flee for the hills. They often ditch the girl that is actually perfect for them because they are afraid to end up like their parents. They are afraid of breaking someone else.
Avoiding situations that could cause harm, is like avoiding water for fear of drowning. One must take the chance of getting hurt if one wants to further themselves and their family. I look at it this way, if you have nothing to lose in a relationship, then you're really not in it.
So, don't think of your home as broken. Think of it as built differently, or maybe having 2 different homes. You're not broken. You are exactly as God wants you to be, forgiven, saved, and validated.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
What to do with the Dream
0When I was about 8 I spilt an entire jug of sweet tea in the fridge. It was everywhere! All over every leftover tupperware, all over every bag of fruit or veggie. It was sticky, and I was frustrated to no end having to clean it before my mom got home to see the mess. The answer: a small thin shelf that slid underneath the fridge shelf that if any liquid or crumb fell into, it could be remedied easily and without much mess. The idea seemed almost stupid it was so good.
Now I dont know about you, but when I was 8, I didn't know any venture capitalist, or investors, so my idea just sat on my mind waiting for the right person to come along to pitch it to to bring it to homes in every city! 3 years later, I saw an ad for the same idea in a Kenmore fridge. I was devastated! But did I learn my lesson?
I was 20 something and a buddy of mine and myself decided we wanted to shoot extreme sports videos backed up by Christian rock music, and then have people give their testimonies to cover the gap left open by Christian media. We shot the footage, and then I went on vacation. 2 weeks after I got back, one of the Baldwin Brothers had released and entire series of Christian Extreme Sports videos online, and the servers couldn't keep up.
When God gives you an idea, you have to run with it. If you dont, he is liable to give it to someone else. When God tells you to do something, you better just go ahead and do it. He's a patient guy, but he won't let your laziness,/stubbornness/procrastination/ be what keeps work going forward.
If he called you to a distant land... Go!
If he sent you the right man/woman to marry and you're getting cold feet... Commit!
If he gave you a crappy job... Work it!
If he called you to ministry... Minister!
If you are waiting on the right person to come along to make all your dreams come true then you will be waiting a really long time.
If he doesn't pass it off to someone else, he might just redirect your journey to make you look at it again. Look at Jonah! Don't end up in the belly of a whale to find the nerve to get your act going! Let God be your strength and wisdom and get to work!!!
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